Having a bike is like having a trusted friend to carry you around. People often care for their vehicles like they are not inanimate. Vehicles that are cared for in such a way usually run longer and require fewer repairs. But just like any other machine with multiple parts, bikes also happen to fall prey to multiple damages. To fix such things, one must have a few necessary tools at their disposal. Even regular maintenance requires quite a few tools and having them would enable you to do it by yourself.
Why are the tools important?
People who go on adventure rides must have these tools with them. They are necessary if you ever get stranded due to a problem with your vehicle. Unfortunately, it is not possible to have a mechanic or repair shop everywhere. In such cases, people need to get their hands dirty if the issue is a minor one. Fixing it for the timebeing will help you get the vehicle to a mechanic who can do a proper check. The tool kit can save you life and time in tightspots. Though no one can master detecting an issue with the bike or using the tools on the very first day, gradually people learn it. While the mechanics can take care of the bigger issues, having some knowledge and experience helps to save the moment.
What kind of tool kit do I need?
Many owners feel confused about the set of tools they should invest in. When it comes to automobile repair and maintenance, there is a long list of tools that one must have. However, having the tools is not enough if you do not have the experience to use them. The amount of tools that mechanics have is not usually required for a rider. Firstly the rider can choose a basic motorbike toolkit that would have commonly-used and easy-to-use tools. Then the rider must think about his or her experience with repairing. If you have some idea about the issues a bike can have and how to solve them using basic tools, having a kit would be helpful. One must carefully invest in the tools depending on their requirement and experience with the vehicle and its issues. Some of the top motorcycle tools (เครื่องมือจักรยานยนต์, this is the term in Thai) are expensive and investing in those would be stupidity if you do not know how to use those tools. Build your kit slowly as you learn to detect issues and fix bikes.
Should I learn using some tools?
If you have no idea about bike repair, it is time to learn some basic things. Knowing basic repairs or at least recognizing the issue can save you time and money. Having a basic tool-kit and knowing when and how to use them is a necessary knowledge for any rider or bike owner. Make sure to talk with professionals before you choose a kit and try a hand at it. Since you will be riding it, knowing how to care for it would be helpful.